
Software de cobranza

Herramientas recuperación de cartera

Ayudaremos a su equipo a aumentar el indicador de recuperación de cartera, automatizar y optimizar el proceso de cobranza con los más altos estándares de calidad y seguridad.


Teléfono: +57 601 3441340

+57 317 3004990


Digital Collections

Optimize the real-time charging experience

Developing an effective collections strategy consists of using available information and extracting valuable insights from customers to generate alerts and guide quick actions in real time. In this way, the customer experience is improved; this is achieved through collection platforms such as iUCollect or iCS Cloud that integrate predictive and analytical technologies based on: Customer […]

Digital Collections

Extrajudicial Collections with Automation

Still don’t know how to automatically control compliance with Chilean consumer protection regulations on out-of-court collections? This law only allows: 1 phone call or visit per week 2 actions (correspondence, SMS, email or WhatsApp) per week separated by two days. Prohibits extrajudicial collection actions, after the beginning of the proceedings of a lawsuit. During the […]

Digital Collections

Data quality in collections before covid-19

Learn about alternatives to mitigate the problem of low contactability.  Current components such as unemployment, decrease in working hours, decrease in income, change of habits, teleworking, unexpected changes in housing, governmental actions and quarantine have changed the processes and the type of contact with creditors, it is here where the effective contact with customers becomes […]